Hi, Students! अगर आप जानना चाहते हैं की गोरखपुर विश्वविद्यालय के कैंपस में अलग-अलग कोर्स के लिए कितनी सीटें उपलब्ध है? तो अब आप निश्चिंत रहिए क्योंकि आप सही जगह पर आए हैं! हम इस आर्टिकल में गोरखपुर यूनिवर्सिटी में उपलब्ध स्नातक एवं परास्नातक सभी कोर्स में उपलब्ध सीटों की संख्या को एक टेबल के फॉर्म में प्रदर्शित किया है!

DDU Gorakhpur University - Available Seats for UG & PG Courses in Campus 2022-23
Total Seats in DDU Gorakhpur University Campus 

Total Available seats in DDU Undergraduate Courses

1. B.A. 2437
2. B.Sc. Mathematics 300
3. B.Sc. Biology 150
4. B.Sc. Agriculture 150
5. B.Sc. Home Science 40
6. B.Com 500
7. B.Tech 300
8. B.B.A. 75
9. B.C.A. 50
10. B.A.LL.B. (Five Year) 120

Total Available seats in DDU Postgraduate Programmes

1. M.A. Hindi 150
2. M.A. English 150
3. M.A. Sanskrit 150
4. M.A. Urdu 74
5. M.A. Sociology 150
6. M.A. Political Science 150
7. M.A. Philosophy 74
8. M.A. Psychology 56
9. M.A. Mediaeval and Modern History 150
10. M.A. Ancient History, Archaeology, and Civilizations 150
11. M.A. Geography 62
12. M.A. Visual Arts 62
13. M.A. Stage Art 36
14. M.A. Education 62
15. M.A. Continuing Education and Extension Work 36
16. M.A. Home Science 24
17. M.A. Economics 150
18. Defense and Strategic Studies (M.A. + M.Sc.) 62
19. Statistics (M.A. + M.Sc.) 24
20. Mathematics (M.A. + M.Sc.) 150
21. M.Sc. Physics 62
22. M.Sc. Chemistry 74
23. M.Sc. Botany 62
24. M.Sc. Zoology 62
25. M.Sc. Environmental Science 20
26. M.Sc. Electronics 18
27. M.Sc. Microbiology 24
28. M.Sc. Biotechnology 24
29. Disaster and National Security Management 62
30. M.Com. 150
31. L.L.M. 36
32. M.Sc. Agriculture 108

M.Sc. (Horticulture) 18

M.Sc. (Agronomy) 18

M.Sc. (Agricultural Economics) 18

M.Sc. (Agricultural Entomology & Zoology) 18

M.Sc. (Agricultural Extension) 18

M.Sc. (Genetics & Plant Breeding) 18
33. M.Ed. (University campus) 50


Thanks for your comments.

  1. How many seats are there for bpt in ddu University

  2. How many seat are left in BA after
    , 3rd cutoff

  3. Bsc bio 3rd cut off ki date kab aaye ga 52 marks ka admission ddu University me hoga

  4. How many seats are left in DDU B.A after 10 cut off

  5. Good afternoon sir,
    Sir ddugu me MBA me kitna seat hai sir.....


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